Error 500 after installing the module - multistore
Hi, Petr, hope you're doing good.
I was trying to put this module for one of my clients, but we get this error when installing it, what can we do, or how can we solve it? I get this error when installing it only in 1 of the stores. If I do it from the main one (wich I don't need), it gives us error 500 but with blank page. Thanks so much for your support, man!
Hi Dan,
your prestashop installation contains extra PHP file in /classes/ directory, which contains CarrierCore class. This is probably result of some backup before modification - maybe the owner copied original file /classes/carrier.php to file named like /classes/carrier.back.php or /classes/carrier1.php
In order to find all available object models, Conseqs module loads all *.php files in /classes/ directory. If there is extra php file, it can cause this problem.
The fix is simple -- find extra file and delete it (it shouldn't be there). Or rename it with different extension, for example carrier.back
Thanks so much for your quick answer, Petr!
I've done like you say, but I get another new 500 error.
I'm afraid that we're using several modules that can be using the same classes, maybe. We have a TPV system, and another module that lets choose different prices between postal codes, plus the easycheckout, that maybe are using these classes? I don't know. Here's the screenshot after renaming the carrier file and trying to configure again Conseqs module: