How to override your files

By Mark Heldstab, 5 years ago

Is there a way to change the css for the display of the reviews? Like changing the color of the title or reviewers name?

Is there a way to override your .tpl files so one can change the look of things?

Also, is v1.1.0 for thirtybees still compatable with sendreviewrequest module?

Thanks for the great module!

By Petr Hucik, 5 years ago

Changing CSS

module automatically generates css file using css.tpl template, and append content of css-extend.tpl template. To adjust css styles, you can either

  1. copy css.tpl file to your theme and modify it
  2. create your very own css-extend.tpl file inside theme directory

The second approach is recommended because it better survive update of module -- your modification are always added to up-to-date css. File path:


Overriding templates

You can copy any template to your theme and change it. However, revws renders a lot of content using javascript, so the changes to template files might not be enough. But it shouldn't be required, as template/javascript emits structured data, and design it's up to CSS

Compatibility with sendreviewrequest

Not sure, I haven't tested this module

By Mark Heldstab, 5 years ago

Thanks for the fast reply.

CSS I understand, thanks for the file path and everything.

What would the file path be to put modified .tpl files in, like for product_extra.tpl?

sendreviewrequest is made by SLiCK-303, and was working way back in 1.0.12, I just dont know if it still works with your current version