Error 404 on page my-account / my reviews and problem export data

By Verriest cyriel, 4 years ago

I Hi, thanks for the great module. I have two problems:

1/ when I want to consult the reviews as a customer, I'm redirected to a 404 error (the seo link is correct)

2/ I try to export notification data directly via the module and it doesn't work

What can I do? Knowing that I have the pretty url module that is active on my site.

Thank you very much.

I'm trying to fix the problem, if I ever find it I'll gladly put the solution.

Translated with (free version)

By Verriest cyriel, 4 years ago

Hello, I've got it! I use the pretty url module (to erase seo level ids). So for the route to the product sheet, we just put {rewrite} (id removed) and this causes a nice 404 error.

Now I'd like to know how to solve this problem...? The calculation allowing the display of the notices in the customer account must be done on the controller side but I can't see it, even if I test the code.

Any help would be helpful.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

By Petr Hucik, 4 years ago


my module use standard prestashop/thirtybees Link class to construct urls. It displays whatever url this link returns. If the url doesn't work, it's not an issue or bug in the revws module. It's a bug in core or in the module that modifies this functionality.