Advanced Debug Mode

Reference: advdebug

Advanced Debug Mode module for PrestaShop 1.6 / thirtybees platforms


prestashop 1.6 thirtybees

Build-in debug mode in PrestaShop is a very useful tool. But it is not recommended to have it turned on in production environemt because it can leak sensitive information about your website to ordinary visitors.

This free module is here to help you with this shortcoming. It allows you to enable debug mode only for specific users / sessions. Module creates secret url, and anyone who access your site via this url will browse with debug mode enabled.

This way, you (or anyone you share this url with) can have access to debugging information, yet your normal visitors will not be affected.

Rated 5.00 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 4 customer reviews
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A killer!

Again, this is high quality for free (Thanks DataKick).
Very handy when you're in trouble! And the option to activate debug for a day is awesome!

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I recommend

I was looking for it, I recommend it.

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Un módulo muy interesante y gratuito.

Una manera sencilla de activar la depuración de errores y poder corregir los fallos sin tener que mostrarlos a nuestros Clientes.

Buen trabajo.

Muchas gracias.

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Do what it should

Thank you for this module. I needed something like this for a long time.
Now my developer and I can see the server errors and warnings immediately, yet customers still see standard error page.

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