Reward customer who write review
Many merchants asked me to add reward functionality to my Reviews module. This task is on the roadmap, but only for paid version. If you are using my free version, or if you are unwilling to wait, you can use conseqs module to do this yourself now.
Note: before you start make sure you have latest version of revws module installed. Integration with conseqs was added in version 1.1.0 (free), respective 2.1.0 (premium)
After review has been approved by administrator, generate discount coupon and
Attach file to outgoing emails
This tutorial will show how to attach files to emails that your PrestaShop is sending. We will use conseqs module to achieve this without the need for custom overrides.
Note that this tutorial works for PrestaShop 1.7 and thirtybees platforms only. Unfortunately, PrestaShop 1.6 doesn't have that is necessary.
We want to attach pdf file with Terms and Conditions to all Order Confirmation emails. We want to send different files for regular customers and B2B customers.
Step 1: Prepare files
Send copy of all outgoing emails to your email address
In this tutorial I'll show you how to use conseqs module to automatically send copy of all outgoing emails your PrestaShop sends to your own email address.
In order to receive copy of all emails send by PrestaShop server, you need to add your email address to BCC list. BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy, and it allows the sender of a message to conceal this particular email address from other recipients. Original recipient will have no knowledge about this these hidden recipients. That's exactly what we wan
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