Our featured products
The best selection for top prices.
The best selection for top prices.
This module will automatically purge CloudFlare cache every time your clear your prestashop cache
This simple module uses CloudFlare GeoIP headers to set customer's country and currency
The most powerful product and store review module for prestashop platform. With this module, your visitors can post a review for your products, or for a shop as a whole. Merchants can moderate, edit, or comment on reviews from back office. Module can actively help merchants collect more reviews by employing advanced built-in email automation...
This module allows you to create child themes and edit them directly from your back office. No more problems with theme upgrades!
This free module allows you to log into your frontend as your customer.
This thirty bees module extends native CSV import with ability to import Product Supplier data.
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Price change
It is possible to add action IF product price changes?